
How can I help you?

Hi, I am Tobias and I am an aspiring Software-Developer. I am from Graz, Austria, and currently studying at the University of Technology in Graz. I graduated at the HTL Kaindorf in Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering and I am now in my bachelor's degree in Digital Engineering. I already got some experience with creating websites, automated software tests and different custom software. I am very interested in the newest tech trends and different software projects, so feel free to contact me for your next project.

About Me


Beginning of self-employment as a software developer


Beginning of the bachelor's degree in Digital Engineering at Graz University of Technology


Graduated from HTBLA Kaindorf/Sulm for Automation technology and mechanical engineering


Beginning of higher education at the HTBLA Kaindorf/Sulm for Automation technology and mechanical engineering

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